Monday, September 30, 2024

 China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc., are praying 

uninformed Americans Vote in Kamala Harris.  

 They will walk all over her.  Democrats are weak 

on Defense. They know this. 

 For the first time since WWII Americas Navy isn't 

the largest anymore.  .. China took over the largest 

Navy in the World 2 years ago.  

 12 out of 16 years we've had Democratic Presidents.

And it shows.  Our Navy, National Defense, ect.,  is weak 

compared to when we had Conservative Presidents. 

China has the Worlds largest Military. They want War. 

Laughing Kamala Harris will get us into another War.

However, China will not mess with Trump.  

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Trump warned us just yesterday that we could end up in World War III.

"What's going on with Israel. We could end up in a World War. We have a President that doesn't know what the hell he is doing." #Iran #Isreal

#Iran is attacking Israel right now..

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

  Human Beings. Not black, white, brown, etc are good Human!! We all bleed red. Only difference in being a Human is if you are good or evil. Differing opinions, skin color, likes dislikes etc... does not make one good or evil. One race the human race.