Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Reacting to Trump’s Address

Incredible speech. With so many touching moments. Like that
sweet boy battling cancer. I got teary-eyed when he hugged Sean Curran.
How could anyone watch that and not smile and applaud. Only heartless people.

If they can't clap for a child with brain cancer, they need to
drop the whole, "We're loving, compassionate, and inclusive."

My heart hurts for that mother. Tears!

Hey Amala I'm a big fan of your work and you are a big inspiration
for younger generations to get into politics and differ right from wrong,
thank you for being here and spreading the truth!!

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Soldier STRANGLES Active Shooter!

The Judge should be charged as an accessory to murder of the bus driver Damn, that cop didn't want to be the next headline on CNN, so...